About Us

Who are we and what do we stand for?

Lorne Botushanski

Founder and President

Hi, I’m Lorne Botushanski, the founder of Diabetes Haven. While I’ve never been diagnosed with diabetes myself, my family’s journey with the condition has deeply impacted me. Watching loved ones navigate the challenges of managing diabetes gave me a firsthand understanding of how overwhelming and confusing the process can be, especially for those newly diagnosed.

One of the greatest struggles I've seen from my famiy members is adjusting to a new lifestyle. Managing diabetes is no joke. It comes at the cost of the habits and routines that people have grown so accustomed to. Most importantly, it takes people's favourite foods off the menu. I created Diabetes Haven as a repository where people can find good information and most importantly delicious recipes curated specifically for diabetes, so they don't have to miss out on their favourite meals.

John Manuel

Vice President and Public Relations Manager

My name is John Manuel, and I’m the Public Relations manager for Diabetes Haven. I will be here working to help express our goals to you, the general public. Diabetes has negatively affected many parts of my family, and is something that runs in my bloodline as well. Understanding the negative consequences of this disease and the faults that come with it is something that I’ve devoted a great deal of time to. The way in which diabetes brings unneeded stress amongst families in Canada is something that I’m familiar with, and hope to help alleviate. I joined Diabetes Haven to help assist our charity’s mission goal to provide support and clarity to those who need it, and help more people in Canada discover our help. I’ll help spread news about upcoming plans for our organization and events in the near future.